Hakairyu's help commands
All the commands you can find here
When you use the w?dex command, then in the same message you must put a Pokemon Number or a Pokemon Name.
The right arrow button is to go right
The magnifying glass button is to search for any pokemon
The left arrow button is to go left
{prefix}dex 1
{prefix}dex bulbasaur
Here you can see how to use the Pokemon commands
Name: pokedex
Usage: {prefix}pokedex <pokémon>
The name of the pokémon
Alias: {prefix}d | {prefix}dex | {prefix}dx | {prefix}pokédex
What should come out?: The information of the Pokémon
Example: {prefix}dex mew | {prefix}d DiaLga
Note: The pokemon name does not vary according to the size of the text. But it does vary according to its source and how it is put. When you go to look for a pokemon look for its normal form and already in the dex it is indicated how to look for information about its form. The Pokedex already indicates its shiny form and therefore does not need to indicate in the command what color form it wants.
Name: spawn
Usage: {prefix}spawn
Alias: {prefix}sp
What should come out?: Some pokémon
Name: l.spawn
Usage: {prefix}l.spawn
Alias: {prefix}legend.sp | {prefix}l.sp | {prefix}l.spawn
What should come out?: Some leged pokémon
Name: g.spawn
Usage: {prefix}l.spawn <pokémon> (| shiny?)
The name of the pokémon
(| shiny?)
If you put shiny, the pokemon will appear shiny
If you don't put anything, the pokemon will appear normal
What should come out?: The Pokémon you want
Note: The pokemon that have come out in the and Pokemon that have not been sighted in the pokemon franchise cannot be spawned by users, on the other hand the official bot team can
Name: giga-spawn
Usage: {prefix}giga-spawn
Alias: {prefix}g-sp | {prefix}giga-spawn | {prefix}giga-sp
What should come out?: Some Giga pokémon
Name: totem-spawn
Usage: {prefix}totem-spawn
Alias: {prefix}t-sp | {prefix}totem-spawn | {prefix}totem-sp
What should come out?: Some Totem pokémon
Name: m-spawn
Usage: {prefix}giga-spawn
Alias: {prefix}m-sp | {prefix}mega-sp | m-spawn
What should come out?: Some Mega pokémon
Name: catch
Usage: {prefix}catch <pokémon>
The name of the pokémon
Alias: {prefix}c
What should come out?: That you need to put name pokemon or number pokemon, that there is no pokemon, that the pokemon is wrong or an error sent from the system (use /support or to report it)
Example: {prefix}c mew | {prefix}catch celebi
Note: The pokemon name does not vary according to the size of the text. But it does vary according to its source and how it is put.
If you dont know the name. You can use {prefix}hint (this command request premium if you want to know the full name, more info --> premium
Name: hint
Usage: {prefix}hint
Alias: {prefix}h
What should come out?: Some letters of the pokemon's name or the pokemon's full name
Example: {prefix}hint
Some letters appear. If symbols appear, those are from the word itself, for example Ho-oh
Note: if you want to know the full name you need premium subscription)
Name: give-pokemon
Usage: {prefix}give-pokemon <userID> <boxIn> <position>
The user id. The user that you want to give the pokemon
Put the number of the box where the pokemon is currently in
What should come out?: That you give the pokemon to the other user
Example: {prefix}give-pokemon 855390537702965258 1 40
I give to Wolf Universe the pokemon that its in the box 1 and the position is 40. For example a Mew Level 66, without shiny and special ability, and with EO, TheBestBot
Name: give-pokemon
Usage: {prefix}give-pokemon <userID> <boxIn> <position>
The user id. The user that you want to give the pokemon
Put the number of the box where the pokemon is currently in
What should come out?: That you give the pokemon to the other user
Example: {prefix}give-pokemon 855390537702965258 1 40
I give to Wolf Universe the pokemon that its in the box 1 and the position is 40. For example a Mew Level 66, without shiny and special ability, and with EO, TheBestBot
Name: pok-info
Usage: {prefix}pok-info <userID> <boxIn> <position>
The user id. The user that you want to give the pokemon
Put the number of the box where the pokemon is currently in
What should come out?: That you give the pokemon to the other user
Example: {prefix}give-pokemon 855390537702965258 1 40
I give to Wolf Universe the pokemon that its in the box 1 and the position is 40. For example a Mew Level 66, without shiny and special ability, and with EO, TheBestBot
Name: traslade
Usage: {prefix}traslade <boxIn> <position> <boxTo> (serverID)
Put the number of the box where the pokemon is currently in
Put the box number where you want it to be now. If you dont put next a serverID, you can't put the same box that <boxIn>
The server id. The serverthat you want to traslade the pokemon
What should come out?: That you give the pokemon to the other user
Example: {prefix}give-pokemon
Name: give-pokemon
Usage: {prefix}give-pokemon <userID> <boxIn> <position>
The user id. The user that you want to give the pokemon
Put the number of the box where the pokemon is currently in
What should come out?: That you give the pokemon to the other user
Example: {prefix}give-pokemon 855390537702965258 1 40
I give to Wolf Universe the pokemon that its in the box 1 and the position is 40. For example a Mew Level 66, without shiny and special ability, and with EO, TheBestBot
Here you can see how to use the Economy commands