Constant questions that we are often asked or that are interesting. Frequently Asked Questions = FAQs
Welcome to the Aidworks website, on this website we will explain everything about our projects
This information is recently posted, so for a while, you will see several modifications of the web
Meaning of the abbreviation
Aidworks = AW (For Web or Bot)
Aidworks Network = AWNetwork or AWN
Aidworks Discord = AD (For Server)
Aidworks Discord Network = ADN or ADNetwork
First of all, we suggest you read the terms of Aidworks and the privacy policy of Aidworks
It's a place where users can come to talk, ask questions, get advice and help, discuss shared interests, and more. It is a space dedicated to the discussion of topics related to work, business and personal/professional development and much more.
The Aidworks Open Source License
We inform you that regardless of the language, this license is active and therefore anything from Aidorks will be under this license.
Official Aidworks Instagram
Official Aidworks TikTok
On this page you can see the terms of our community, bot, pokemon, age and use
Terms certificate
We can only solve problems of our organization or bot
If it is something of discord
, comment it to Discord Trust & Safety
By accessing as Staff
anywhere in AidWorks, you are accepting
these terms
I remind you that these terms are for everyone and that in each AidWorks you can add more if you wish to your staff (YOU MUST in that case CREATE a LIST with those TERMS). By adding them, you cannot contradict the general ones.
This server is where you have to report, ask, request, etc. Or in our mail
The errors and cases that are with the server, must be done on the server itself
On this page you can see the terms and privacy
On this page you can see the terms and privacy
Attention: these documents are being modified at times, therefore, what you read today may change tomorrow.
Attention: these documents are being modified at times, therefore, what you read today may change tomorrow.
Snazzy's help commands
Hakairyu's help commands
Here you can see the template of our community to make alliances, partner or claborations
Aidworks Official Discord
This server is the official chat site for Aidworks internationally. Here you can have a great time and also get help from other members and be the ones who help others.
What do we offer on this server? Events, Raffles, A good staff & Tournaments
What are we looking for? Members and active communities & Members who want to help others or who want to be part of the team Invite:
ADNetwork Center
Do you want help to improve your server? Don't know how to configure things? Well, this is your perfect place for us to help you with your needs.
What do we offer on this server? Help and help others, A simple but fun bot & Have your own mini server in ours (Embassies)
What are we looking for? Communities of all kinds except +18 & Communities to make Alliances, Partners and Collaborations
Attention: these documents are being modified at times, therefore, what you read today may change tomorrow.
See what each update contains
On this page you can see the privacy policy, what information we obtain and what permissions the bot needs on your servers
Certified Privacy Policies
We can only solve problems of our organization, but if it is something of discord, comment it to Discord Trust & Safety
To know if a message that reaches dm, check that you have the following message
AidWorks Official: From (//) server
This message comes from an
official server
of theteam
AidWorks. So it's justinformational
.To reply
, you will have to usew?support
. Remember thatwe will never ask you for your password or private information
For this reason, the creators of the bot will not be on your servers, for reasons of the bot. If they are, don't ask them. You can join our communities using {prefix} or if there is a team member (helper or mod) there, ask that member.
The link invite are now active
AidWorks We never ask
you to give us your password, email or token
On this page you can see the terms of our community, bot, pokemon, age and use
Terms certificate
We can only solve problems of our organization or bot
If it is something of discord
, comment it to Discord Trust & Safety
Fluxairus-2021 team • ToB --> Terms of Bots
If any member sees that it is breached, send to global support, staff, who has breached the rule and which
If the security team
sees that there is a breach, the use of the bot can be temporarily or permanently banned
The errors and cases that are with the server, must be done on the server itself
Every 3 months, elections are held in which the chairman and vice-chairman of Aidworks are elected, who are in charge of leading and making important decisions for the organization.
Breaching server regulations can carry a Warn, isolation, kick or ban Breaching bot regulations can carry a Suspension. --> According to: Slight = temporary is serious = permanent suspension Breaching Pokémon regulations can carry a Suspension. suspension
You didn't know or you forgot for the first time = temporary suspension You already knew or you forgot but it happened before = permanent suspension
See what each update contains
Constant questions that we are often asked or that are interesting. Frequently Asked Questions = FAQs
This question is answered with Document of Discord Support
This question is outdated, so some of the information will not match what the bot shows.
Information Deprecated
See what each update contains
Earn great rewards by having a membership
Current Memberships
unranked (), bronze ()
silver (), gold ()
platinum (), diamond ()
master (), specialops ()
On this page you can see the privacy policy, what information we obtain and what permissions the bot needs on your servers
Certified Privacy Policies
We can only solve problems of our organization, but if it is something of discord, comment it to Discord Trust & Safety
To know if a message that reaches dm, check that you have the following message
AidWorks Official: From (//) server
This message comes from an
official server
of theteam
AidWorks. So it's justinformational
.To reply
, you will have to usew?support
. Remember thatwe will never ask you for your password or private information
For this reason, the creators of the bot will not be on your servers, for reasons of the bot. If they are, don't ask them. You can write to fluxairus@gmail.com
The link invite are now active
Fluxairus never ask
you to give us your password or token
Meet the requirements in the Bot to request a partner and you can enjoy many things
All the commands you can find here
All the commands you can find here
You get , by partnering with AidWorks --> You can use special features for you across discord and for your server
You get , if you are associated with AidWorks for 6 months or more
If your server is a partner, you will receive
If the creator is an employee (), your server may request and thus get all the benefits
Here you can see how to use the Economy commands
Here you can see how to use the Economy commands
The premium is one of the best things in Hakairyu as you don't pay with real money and you get good benefits
LegendCoin's currency symbol is going to be λ , and its name is changed to Landanes Universal Coin will be Ω, that is, Omeganes 1499 λ = 1 Ω (can be passed from one to another) 499 Ω = 1 Ψ (Phagan)
Pokémon Fury = 75 Ψ
Pokémon Calm = 75 Ψ
Pokémon Fury & Calm = 60Ψ
Pokémon (....)
= 80Ψ + Something
The coins are through Hakairyu
You must see this article to know how to give the money to another person
You must give the money to this user ID: 841727643392671805
You must give the exact amount of money in relation to the time you want the premium
The reason must be that you have paid the premium. In case of not justifying the payment or not telling the truth, a refund cannot be made.
Here you can see how to use the Pokemon commands
Pokemon that contain a form, when will be saved in their normal form, regardless of the used
Here you can see how to use the Pokemon commands
Pokemon that contain a form, when will be saved in their normal form, regardless of the used
We make the return, but withdrawing the time you have been using the premium, until the decision to suspend the premium
Usage: give-pokemon <userID> <boxIn> <position>
The . The user that you want to give the pokemon
The position of the pokemon. You can see , to get the position of the pokemon
Example: give-pokemon 855390537702965258 1 40
Usage: pok-info <userID> <boxIn> <position>
The . The user that you want to give the pokemon
The position of the pokemon. You can see , to get the position of the pokemon
Example: give-pokemon 855390537702965258 1 40
Usage: traslade <boxIn> <position> <boxTo> (serverID)
The position of the pokemon. You can see , to get the position of the pokemon.
The . The serverthat you want to traslade the pokemon
Example: give-pokemon
Usage: give-pokemon <userID> <boxIn> <position>
The . The user that you want to give the pokemon
The position of the pokemon. You can see , to get the position of the pokemon
Example: give-pokemon 855390537702965258 1 40
Usage: give-pokemon <userID> <boxIn> <position>
The . The user that you want to give the pokemon
The position of the pokemon. You can see , to get the position of the pokemon
Example: give-pokemon 855390537702965258 1 40
Usage: pok-info <userID> <boxIn> <position>
The . The user that you want to give the pokemon
The position of the pokemon. You can see , to get the position of the pokemon
Example: give-pokemon 855390537702965258 1 40
Usage: traslade <boxIn> <position> <boxTo> (serverID)
The position of the pokemon. You can see , to get the position of the pokemon.
The . The serverthat you want to traslade the pokemon
Example: give-pokemon
Usage: give-pokemon <userID> <boxIn> <position>
The . The user that you want to give the pokemon
The position of the pokemon. You can see , to get the position of the pokemon
Example: give-pokemon 855390537702965258 1 40