Economy Commands
Here you can see how to use the Economy commands
Name: daily
Usage: {prefix}daily
What should come out?:
For example
Name: omegan-landan
Usage: {prefix}omegan-landan
What should come out?: A obtion to change to omegan a landan or landan to omegan
Note: λ = Landan | Ω = Omegan | Ψ = Phagan
Conversions: 1499 λ = 1 Ω | 499 Ω = 1 Ψ (can't be passed Ψ to Ω)
Name: acquittance
Usage: {prefix}acquittance
What should come out?: To give to other user λ
Note: You can give only λ
1ºQuestion = userID
2ºQuestion = amount
3ºQuestion = confirm